In a way that sounds rather old-fashioned these days, Comte defines mathematics as a science of measuring magnitudes. Of course, back in his days, mathematics was mostly about numbers, so the definition makes more sense. Furthermore, Comte instantly qualifies his statement, by noting that immediate measuring of, say, length with a ruler or temperature with thermometer is not yet mathematics. Instead, mathematics is all about indirect methods of measuring unknown magnitudes through their relations to others, known magnitudes. In other words, mathematics has to do with solving equations between magnitudes.
Comte is convinced that mathematics is a universal science that applies in principle to anything. His conviction means that everything should be in principle quantifiable. Comte mentions that this is in direct opposition to Kant’s table of categories, where qualities are kept strictly separate from quantities (this seems a rather peculiar way to understand Kant’s division of categories, but I’ll let it pass now). Even organic and social phenomena should be quantifiable, although their complexity might prevent us ever giving a full quantification of them, Comte hastens to add.
Comte divides mathematics into two parts. One part or concrete mathematics deals with measuring magnitudes in empirical and phenomenal matters, such as geometry and mechanics - I shall leave these disciplines to a later post. The other part deals with measuring magnitudes in abstract fashion, or as Comte puts it, with the logic of mathematics. More precisely, the topic of abstract mathematics consists of, Comte says, equations between abstract functions. By function Comte means some type of dependency, for instance, a sum of two magnitudes is their function, because the sum is dependent on what the magnitudes are. Now, abstract function is a dependency that can be understood only on the basis of bare magnitudes or numbers - sum of two magnitudes is the same, no matter whether the magnitudes are units of length, time, mass etc. On the contrary, concrete function expresses a dependency, understanding of which requires something more than mere numbers, such as geometric or mechanical properties.
Comte’s definition might still leave it unclear what to actually include in the abstract functions. He points out that we can at least enumerate some examples of pairs of simple abstract functions (pairs, because they consist of a function and its inverse). He adds that we can then know that any complex function that could be constructed from these simple functions is also an abstract function. These pairs would at least include, Comte recounts, addition and its inverse or subtraction, multiplication and division, raising to a power and roots, and exponential and logarithmic functions.
A more intricate question is whether to include among abstract simple functions also sinus and inverse sinus. The question is difficult, because if sinus is taken as a simple, unanalysable function, then it seems far from numerical, since it receives its meaning from a certain geometrical context (e.g. a unit circle). Then again, sinus can be defined in a purely numerical fashion, but then it is not anymore a simple function. Yet, just because of this dual nature Comte accepts the pair among simple functions, and instantly notes that other functions might also deserve to be included for the same reason, for instance, Jacobi’s theta-function.
Comte divides abstract mathematics into two disciplines, corresponding to two stages of solving equations. Firstly, one transforms or resolves functions given in the equation into other, more easily solvable forms - this is the task of algebra. Secondly, one finds the values of these easier functions - this is the task of arithmetic. Comte notes that this notion of arithmetic is more extensive than what is usually meant by it, since it includes also e.g. the use of logarithmic tables. He also points out that arithmetic is in a sense just a special case of algebra, since finding a value for a certain formula just means turning it into form (10^n)a + (10^(n-1))b + (10^(n-2))c + (10^(n-3))d + …, where a, b, c, d ... etc. are natural numbers smaller than 10. We might thus say that abstract mathematics is nothing but algebra.
Comte divides algebra further into a study of what he calls indirect functions - transcendent analysis or infinitesimal calculus - and study of direct functions - algebra in the proper sense. I shall concentrate in the rest of this post on the latter, leaving infinitesimals for the next one. Well, there’s not that much of philosophical interest in what Comte still has to say about algebra. He notes that the current state of algebra was far from complete, since general solutions had been found only for polynomial equations up to fourth degree of complexity - he was apparently unaware of the recently discovered fact that such general solutions could not be given for more complex polynomials. Still, this supposed incomplete state of algebra gives him an opportunity to mention that numerical methods of solving equations form a second part of algebra.
More interesting is Comte’s idea that because algebra abstracts from all the conditions for the meaningfulness of functions and equations, it instead aims for being as general as possible. Thus, in algebra all the functions or operations are defined so that they always will have results, no matter whether these results can be interpreted meaningfully. Hence, the notion of number is extended, first, to negative numbers smaller than zero, because all subtractions should produce some results, and finally even to seemingly impossible imaginary numbers, which are roots of negative numbers.
keskiviikko 22. joulukuuta 2021
tiistai 14. joulukuuta 2021
Auguste Comte: Course of positive philosophy 1 - Classification of sciences
Classification of disciplines has been a staple of philosophy since the time of Aristotle, and Comte’s studies make no exception. Of course, there have been plenty of classifications presented as the correct one, so it is reasonable to ask what is so special in Comte’s. Comte himself has a clear answer: earlier classifications derive from a time when all fields of science had not reached the status of positivism.
Before introducing his classification of sciences, Comte considers the question of what he should actually be classifying. He first distinguishes theoretical sciences from practical arts and delineates between these two extremes the field of engineering, which aims at applying results of theoretical sciences to practical questions. He notes that arts and engineering are essentially dependent on theoretical sciences. Indeed, he adds, one art can depend on various sciences, for instance, agriculture requires theoretical knowledge of plants, of chemicals and even of sun, moon and stars. Thus, he concludes that the basic classification should be made at the level of theoretical sciences, not on the level of their practical applications.
Another distinction Comte makes is that between general or abstract sciences and particular or concrete sciences. Abstract sciences, he explains, deal with what is possible, for instance, according to known physical and chemical laws. Concrete sciences then deal with actual instances of such laws: examples include natural history and mineralogy. Comte also points out that just like practical arts depend on theoretical sciences, concrete sciences depend on abstract sciences, being their specifications. Thus, the disciplines good for classification are abstract theoretical sciences.
Comte goes on to speak about the method one should use in the classification. He points out that while we strive for what could be called a natural classification, we can approach such classification only through various artificial classifications. Indeed, he notes, we often begin classification of a new science historically, that is, by noting new ideas and discoveries in the order in which they were found. The more a science is developed, Comte notes, less and less possible it becomes to use the historical approach, because the number of theorems involved becomes too unwieldy. Historical classification is then replaced by a dogmatic approach, where the ideas in question should form a systematic whole. This dogmatic approach abbreviates the historical approach. In the particular case of classifying all sciences, there is the further link that the most abstract disciplines, from which the dogmatic approach begins, are also historically the earliest to reach a more complete stage.
Comte’s classification is meant to be a basis for a complete reform of the educational system. His idea is simple: if we can organise general theoretical sciences into a hierarchical system, in accordance with the dogmatic approach, we then know the ideal order of science education - the education must always start with the most abstract science and move towards more concrete ones. That way, researches working with problems of the more concrete sort would have the necessary tools for understanding more abstract field, on which the more concrete questions depend.
The actual classification Comte suggests seems somewhat problematic - this is just to be expected, since the development of science has been explosive in the last two centuries. Comte’s main dividing line between sciences of inorganic and organic nature seems acceptable, but subdivisions of the two feel less successful. For instance, Comte divides study of inorganic nature into study of stellar phenomena or astronomy and study of terrestrial phenomena, which he then divides into study of more mechanical phenomena or physics and chemistry. Considering that Comte clearly states that zoology and botany are not divisions of the abstract study of organic nature, being more like concrete applications of the study of organisms for two actual species of organisms, one might protest that astronomy is also just application of the same physical laws into stellar objects. Indeed, this is even more evident nowadays, when we know that chemistry could also be used to describe elements of the stellar objects.
Comte’s division of the study of organisms is also problematic. He suggests dividing this whole into a study of individual organisms or physiology and a study of interactions of organisms or sociology. One has to wonder if this is just a circumspect way to distinguish study of humans from study of plants and animals, trying to avoid the same criticism that Comte himself leveled against distinguishing zoology and botany, or if he truly will accept study of all populations of organisms as application of sociology. Even if the latter would be true, it is still doubtful whether we really can meaningfully separate study of an individual organism from study of the interactions of organisms in the same species.
There’s one very conspicuous absence in Comte’s classification - mathematics. This is simply because mathematics plays a very special role for Comte. In a sense it is a part of the classification, the most abstract science there is. In another sense it is for Comte a general methodology for all concrete sciences. Because of this role, mathematics is tightly linked to things it is used for, although it also has a part that is pure of all applications - but this is a discussion I’ll be entering later.
Before introducing his classification of sciences, Comte considers the question of what he should actually be classifying. He first distinguishes theoretical sciences from practical arts and delineates between these two extremes the field of engineering, which aims at applying results of theoretical sciences to practical questions. He notes that arts and engineering are essentially dependent on theoretical sciences. Indeed, he adds, one art can depend on various sciences, for instance, agriculture requires theoretical knowledge of plants, of chemicals and even of sun, moon and stars. Thus, he concludes that the basic classification should be made at the level of theoretical sciences, not on the level of their practical applications.
Another distinction Comte makes is that between general or abstract sciences and particular or concrete sciences. Abstract sciences, he explains, deal with what is possible, for instance, according to known physical and chemical laws. Concrete sciences then deal with actual instances of such laws: examples include natural history and mineralogy. Comte also points out that just like practical arts depend on theoretical sciences, concrete sciences depend on abstract sciences, being their specifications. Thus, the disciplines good for classification are abstract theoretical sciences.
Comte goes on to speak about the method one should use in the classification. He points out that while we strive for what could be called a natural classification, we can approach such classification only through various artificial classifications. Indeed, he notes, we often begin classification of a new science historically, that is, by noting new ideas and discoveries in the order in which they were found. The more a science is developed, Comte notes, less and less possible it becomes to use the historical approach, because the number of theorems involved becomes too unwieldy. Historical classification is then replaced by a dogmatic approach, where the ideas in question should form a systematic whole. This dogmatic approach abbreviates the historical approach. In the particular case of classifying all sciences, there is the further link that the most abstract disciplines, from which the dogmatic approach begins, are also historically the earliest to reach a more complete stage.
Comte’s classification is meant to be a basis for a complete reform of the educational system. His idea is simple: if we can organise general theoretical sciences into a hierarchical system, in accordance with the dogmatic approach, we then know the ideal order of science education - the education must always start with the most abstract science and move towards more concrete ones. That way, researches working with problems of the more concrete sort would have the necessary tools for understanding more abstract field, on which the more concrete questions depend.
The actual classification Comte suggests seems somewhat problematic - this is just to be expected, since the development of science has been explosive in the last two centuries. Comte’s main dividing line between sciences of inorganic and organic nature seems acceptable, but subdivisions of the two feel less successful. For instance, Comte divides study of inorganic nature into study of stellar phenomena or astronomy and study of terrestrial phenomena, which he then divides into study of more mechanical phenomena or physics and chemistry. Considering that Comte clearly states that zoology and botany are not divisions of the abstract study of organic nature, being more like concrete applications of the study of organisms for two actual species of organisms, one might protest that astronomy is also just application of the same physical laws into stellar objects. Indeed, this is even more evident nowadays, when we know that chemistry could also be used to describe elements of the stellar objects.
Comte’s division of the study of organisms is also problematic. He suggests dividing this whole into a study of individual organisms or physiology and a study of interactions of organisms or sociology. One has to wonder if this is just a circumspect way to distinguish study of humans from study of plants and animals, trying to avoid the same criticism that Comte himself leveled against distinguishing zoology and botany, or if he truly will accept study of all populations of organisms as application of sociology. Even if the latter would be true, it is still doubtful whether we really can meaningfully separate study of an individual organism from study of the interactions of organisms in the same species.
There’s one very conspicuous absence in Comte’s classification - mathematics. This is simply because mathematics plays a very special role for Comte. In a sense it is a part of the classification, the most abstract science there is. In another sense it is for Comte a general methodology for all concrete sciences. Because of this role, mathematics is tightly linked to things it is used for, although it also has a part that is pure of all applications - but this is a discussion I’ll be entering later.
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